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Legacy Consulting

Luca Fontana

The owner of the Legacy Consulting Firm is the lawyer Luca Fontana both in the consulting operations and in the ambitious content of civil, commercial, corporate and family law and in the real estate sector.


As regards, in particular, civil and commercial law, Avvocato Fontana is, in particular, in family and succession law, having developed specific experience in pre and post testamentary consultancy and in litigation.

Furthermore, he also has considerable experience in the field of public and private procurement and among the clients he follows there are numerous companies which have been assisted, by way of example, on the following issues:

Furthermore, he also has considerable experience in the field of public and private procurement and among the clients he follows there are numerous companies which have been assisted, by way of example, on the following issues:

Preparation of documentation for participation in public tenders

Disputes before the Ordinary Judge relating to the application of municipal taxes in the execution of public work contracts

Preparation of subcontracting contracts

Disputes relating to the execution of subcontracting contracts

Disputes before the Administrative Judge relating to the exclusion from public tenders due to lack of general requirements, also with reference to anti-mafia information

Civil disputes of various kinds for breach of contract

Administrative disputes for pre-contractual, extra-contractual and contractual liability

Luca Fontana is also an expert in both ordinary and extraordinary management of companies such as:

Capital operations

Capital transactions that lead to an increase (free or paid) or a decrease (voluntary or due to loss).

Association between companies

Capital transactions that lead to an increase (free or paid) or a decrease (voluntary or due to loss).

management of extraordinary corporate transactions:

of transformation, merger, demerger, minutes of the meeting, relations with subsidiaries, investee companies, etc.

Request a consultation

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how can I help you?

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